Domicile, Legal Structure, Indicators

Company, domicile, city

Pfandbriefbank schweizerischer Hypothekarinstitute AG
Banque des Lettres de Gage d’Etablissements suisses de Crédit hypothécaire SA
Banca di Obbligazioni fondiarie degli Istituti ipotecari svizzeri SA

Pfandbriefbank is based in Nansenstrasse 16, 8050 Zurich.

Establishment, Continuance

20 December 1930. Continuance of Pfandbriefbank is unlimited.

Legal structure

Jointstock company as of art. 620 ff. of the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Legal order

Swiss law, in particular Pfandbrief Law (PfA) as of 25 June 1930, enacted as of 1 February 1931.


Passive NFE (passive non financial entity)

FATCA Status

Passive NFFE (passive non financial foreign entity)
No GIIN (no global intermediary identifying number)

Commercial register

Recordation into the commercial register of canton Zurich was effected 19 March 1931.
UID: CHE-107.837.703

Legal Entity Indentifier (LEI)
