Our legal assignment is defined as:

  • “…to arrange long-term mortgage loans at possibly constant and low interest rates for landowners” (art. 1 PfA).
  • For this purpose we issue Pfandbriefe. We use the proceeds to grant our members loans against mortgage collateral.
  • Only the Pfandbrief institutions have the right to issue Pfandbriefe. That’s why they are strictly regulated. The Federal Council has the right to appoint a representative of the mortgage debtors as a member of the administrative board (Art. 37 PfG).

Our mission statement is defined as:

  • The Pfandbrief bank is the extended arm of the issuing departments of its members/shareholders (pull situation). For them, it represents the cheapest source of refinancing for long-term loans.
  • Our Pfandbriefe offer investors the opportunity to invest regularly and in considerable volumes in repo-eligible bonds with the highest credit rating (Aaa/guilt-proof). Investors also value our Pfandbriefe because of their good liquidity on the secondary market.
  • The Pfandbrief institutions are among the very few non-public borrowers whose issues belong to the highest credit rating class. Their bonds account for a significant share of the Swiss bond market for domestic borrowers.
  • The brand “Der Schweizer Pfandbrief®” stands for the absolute highest investment quality. Swiss Pfandbriefe® enjoy preferential regulatory treatment.
  • We fulfil our legal mandate in a resource-saving and sustainable manner.

Our Approach is defined as:

  • The Pfandbrief bank is designed for security, stability and duration. This also includes sustainable use of our resources.
  • For our member banks we are a independent, reliable source for refinancing of low interest loans.
  • For investors we are a most welcome, regularly issuing major debtor with products of the highest credit rating and a liquid secondary market, which are standardized, eligible for repurchase transactions and widely accepted.
  • We aim to design and provide our products (bonds/loans) and services in the best quality available, easily manageable and – as far as our limited range given by the regulatory requirements permits – innovative, close to the market and flexible.
  • The investment of our own funds is focused primarily on security and liquidity, secondly on risk/yield optimisation.
  • Our corporate governance is up to date.
  • For our members of staff we are a progressive and attractive employer who exacts a high standard of reliability.
  • A bank is a shareholder of Pfandbriefbank for access to the capital market.